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Sanjeev Nanda Tips to Control Your Temper

13 Jul

Sanjeev Nanda how to guides

Anger Management is important for healthy living (clipartguide)

10 Ways to Tame your Temper

Controlling your temper isn’t always easy. But these effective anger management tips will help give you the upper hand.

Do you find yourself fuming when someone cuts you off in traffic? Does your blood pressure go through the roof when your child won’t cooperate? Anger is a normal and even healthy emotion, but learning how to deal with it in a positive way is important.

Uncontrolled anger can make both you and other people feel lousy. If your outbursts, rages or frustrations are negatively affecting relationships with family, friends, co-workers or even complete strangers, it’s time to learn some anger management skills. Anger management techniques are a proven way to help change the way you express your anger.

Sanjeev Nanda tips to help get your anger under control

  1. Take a ‘timeout.’ Although it may seem cliche, counting to 10 before reacting really can defuse your temper.
  2. Get some space. Take a break from the person you’re angry with until your frustrations subside a bit.
  3. Once you’re calm, express your anger. It’s healthy to express your frustration in a nonconfrontational way. Stewing about it can make the situation worse.
  4. Get some exercise. Physical activity can provide an outlet for your emotions, especially if you’re about to erupt. Go for a brisk walk or a run, swim, lift weights or shoot baskets.
  5. Think carefully before you say anything. Otherwise, you’re likely to say something you’ll regret. It can be helpful to write down what you want to say so that you can stick to the issues. When you’re angry, it’s easy to get sidetracked.
  6. Identify solutions to the situation. Instead of focusing on what made you mad, work with the person who angered you to resolve the issue at hand.
  7. Use ‘I’ statements when describing the problem. This will help you to avoid criticizing or placing blame, which can make the other person angry or resentful — and increase tension. For instance, say, “I’m upset you didn’t help with the housework this evening,” instead of, “You should have helped with the housework.”
  8. Don’t hold a grudge. If you can forgive the other person, it will help you both. It’s unrealistic to expect everyone to behave exactly as you want.
  9. Use humor to release tensions. Lightening up can help diffuse tension. Don’t use sarcasm, though — it’s can hurt feelings and make things worse.
  10. Practice relaxation skills. Learning skills to relax and de-stress can also help control your temper when it may flare up. Practice deep-breathing exercises, visualize a relaxing scene, or repeat a calming word or phrase to yourself, such as “Take it easy.” Other proven ways to ease anger include listening to music, writing in a journal and doing yoga.
Sanjeev Nanda how to guides

Anger Management (2003) movie

Getting anger management help

You can practice many of these anger management strategies on your own. But if your anger seems out of control, is hurting your relationships or makes you feel physically violent or destructive, you may benefit from some help. Here are some ways you can get help to keep your frustrations in check:

  • See a psychologist or licensed counselor. Seeing a therapist can help you learn to recognize your anger warning signs before you blow up, and how to cope with your anger. Ask your primary care doctor for a referral to a counselor specializing in anger management. Family and friends also may give you recommendations based on their experiences. Your health insurer, employee assistance program (EAP), clergy, or state or local agencies also may offer recommendations.
  • Take an anger management class. An anger management class can teach you what anger is, how to recognize anger triggers and how to keep your anger under control. These courses can be done individually, with spouses or families, or in groups. In addition to the search methods for a psychologist or counselor, you can find organizations offering anger management courses on the Internet and through your district court.
  • Read a book. There are a number of helpful books on anger management. A number of them focus on particular situations, such as anger in teens, anger in men or anger in couples. Many of them are workbooks, with exercises that teach concrete skills.

Anger and irritability can be signs of an underlying mental health condition, such as depression or bipolar disorder. If your symptoms don’t improve, or you have signs or symptoms of anxiety or depression, see a mental health provider for help.

Sanjeev Nanda On How To Find A Job

16 Jun

Finding a job in today’s economy can be tough, yet there are opportunities if you know where to look. Your best bet for finding these opportunities is not through online job boards, the classifieds, or employment agencies—it’s by talking to the people around you. Your network of friends, family members, colleagues, and acquaintances is the most valuable job search resource you have.

Sanjeev Nanda how to find a job

Networking is easy

The vast majority of job openings are never advertised; they’re filled by word of mouth. That’s why networking is the best way to find a job. Unfortunately, many job seekers are hesitant to take advantage of networking because they’re afraid of being seen as pushy, annoying, or self-serving. But networking isn’t about using other people or aggressively promoting yourself—it’s about building relationships.

Networking is the best way to find a job because:

  • People do business primarily with people they know and like. Resumes and cover letters alone are often too impersonal to convince employers to hire you.
  • Job listings tend to draw piles of applicants, which puts you in intense competition with many others. Networking makes you a recommended member of a much smaller pool.
  • The job you want may not be advertised at all. Networking leads to information and job leads, often before a formal job description is created or a job announced.

Tip 1: You know more people than you think

You may think that you don’t know anyone who can help you with your job search. But you know more people than you think, and there’s a very good chance that at least a few of these people know someone who can give you career advice or point you to a job opening. You’ll never know if you don’t ask!

Yes, you do have a job network, and it’s more powerful than you think:

  • You already belong to many networks (family, friends, colleagues, fellow civic club members, etc.) and your job search network can be natural outgrowth of these primary contacts.
  • Each network connects you to another network (e.g., your child’s teacher can connect you with other parents, schools of education, and school suppliers).
  • Each member of a network may know of an available job or a connection to someone who will know of one.
Sanjeev Nanda on how to find a job

You know More people than you think

If you’re nervous about making contact—either because you’re uncomfortable asking for favors or you’re embarrassed about your employment situation—try to keep the following things in mind:

  • It feels good to help others. Most people will gladly assist you if they can.
  • People like to give advice and be recognized for their expertise.
  • Almost everyone knows what it’s like to be out of work or looking for a job. They’ll sympathize with your situation.
  • Unemployment can be isolating and stressful. By connecting with others, you’re sure to get some much needed encouragement, fellowship, and moral support.
  • Reconnecting with the people in your network should be fun—even if you have an agenda. The more this feels like a chore the more tedious and anxiety-ridden the process will be.

Tip 2: Reach out to your network

All the connections in the world won’t help you find a job if no one knows about your situation. Once you’ve drawn up your list, start making contact with the people in your network. Let them know that you’re looking for a job. Be specific about what kind of work you’re looking for and ask them if they have any information or know anyone in a relevant field. Don’t assume that certain people won’t be able to help. You may be surprised by who they know.

Sanjeev Nanda on how to find a job

Reach Out To Your Network

Start with your references

When you are looking for a job, start with your references. Your best references—the people who like you and can endorse your abilities, track record, and character—are major networking hubs.

Sanjeev Nanda on how to find a job

Figure out what you want before you start networking

  • Contact each one of your references to network about your possibilities and affirm their agreement to be your reference.
  • Describe your goals and seek their assistance.
  • Keep them informed on your job search progress.
  • Prepare them for any calls from potential employers.
  • Let them know what happened and thank them for their help regardless of the outcome.

Tip 3: Focus on building relationships

Networking is a give-and-take process that involves making connections, sharing information, and asking questions. It’s a way of relating to others, not a technique for getting a job or a favor. You don’t have to hand out your business cards on street corners, cold call everyone on your contact list, or work a room of strangers. All you have to do is reach out.

  • Be authentic. In any job search or networking situation, being you—the real you—should be your goal. Hiding who you are or suppressing your true interests and goals will only hurt you in the long run. Pursuing what you want and not what you think others will like, will always be more fulfilling and ultimately more successful.
  • Be considerate. If you’re reconnecting with an old friend or colleague, take the time to get through the catching-up phase before you blurt out your need. On the other hand, if this person is a busy professional you don’t know well, be respectful of his or her time and come straight out with your request.
  • Ask for advice, not a job. Don’t ask for a job, a request comes with a lot of pressure. You want your contacts to become allies in your job search, not make them feel ambushed, so ask for information or insight instead. If they’re able to hire you or refer you to someone who can, they will. If not, you haven’t put them in the uncomfortable position of turning you down or telling you they can’t help.
  • Be specific in your request. Before you go off and reconnect with everyone you’ve ever known, get your act together and do a little homework. Be prepared to articulate what you’re looking for. Is it a reference? An insider’s take on the industry? A referral? An introduction to someone in the field? Also make sure to provide an update on your qualifications and recent professional experience.

Don’t be a hit-and-run networker

Don’t be a hit-and-run networker: connecting, getting what you want, and then disappearing, never to be heard from until the next time you need something. Invest in your network by following up and providing feedback to those who were kind of enough to offer their help. Thank them for their referral and assistance. Let them know whether you got the interview or the job. Or use the opportunity to report on the lack of success or the need for additional help.

Tip 4: Evaluate the quality of your network

If your networking efforts don’t seem to be going anywhere, you may need to evaluate the quality of your network. Take some time to think about your network’s strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities. Without such an evaluation, there is little chance your network will adapt to your needs and your future goals. You may not notice how bound you are to history, or how certain connections are holding you back. And you may miss opportunities to branch out and forge new ties that will help you move forward.

Taking inventory of your network and where it is lacking is time well spent. If you feel your network is out of date, then its time to upgrade! Your mere awareness of your needs will help you connect you with new and more relevant contacts and networks.

Tip 5: Take advantage of both “strong” and “weak” ties

Everyone has both “strong” and “weak” ties. Strong ties occupy that inner circle and weak ties are less established. Adding people to networks is time consuming, especially strong ties. It requires an investment of time and energy to have multiple “best friends.” Trying to stay in touch with new acquaintances is just as challenging.

But adding new “weak tie” members gives your network vitality and even more cognitive flexibility—the ability to consider new ideas and options. New relationships invigorate the network by providing a connection to new networks, viewpoints, and opportunities.

Tips for strengthening your job network

  • Tap into your strong ties. Your strong ties will logically and trustingly lead to new weak ties that build a stronger network. Use your existing network to add members and reconnect with people. Start by engaging the people in your trusted inner circle to help you fill in the gaps in your network.
  • Think about where you want to go. Your network should reflect where you’re going, not just where you’ve been. Adding people to your network who reflect issues, jobs, industries, and areas of interest is essential. If you are a new graduate or a career changer, join the professional associations that represent your desired career path. Attending conferences, reading journals, and keeping up with the lingo of your desired field can prepare you for where you want to go.
  • Make the process of connecting a priority. Make connecting a habit—part of your lifestyle. Connecting is just as important as your exercise routine. It breathes life into you and gives you confidence. Find out how your network is doing in this environment, what steps are they taking, and how you can you help. As you connect, the world will feel smaller and a small world is much easier to manage.

Tip 6: Take the time to maintain your network

Maintaining your job network is just as important as building it. Accumulating new contacts can be beneficial, but only if you have the time to nurture the relationships. Avoid the irrational impulse to meet as many new people as possible. The key is quality, rather than quantity. Focus on cultivating and maintaining your existing network. You’re sure to discover an incredible array of information, knowledge, expertise, and opportunities.

Sanjeev Nanda on how to find a job

Maintain Your Network

Schedule time with your key contacts

List the people that are crucial to your network without regard to your current relations with them—people you know who can and have been very important to you. Invariably, there will be some you have lost touch with. Reconnect and then schedule a regular meeting or phone call. You don’t need a reason to get in touch: you connect because you need to and want to. It will always make you feel good and provide you with an insight or two.

Prioritize the rest of your contacts

Keep a running list of people you need to reconnect with both old and new. People whose view of the world you value. People you’d like to get to know better or whose company you enjoy. Prioritize these contacts and then schedule time into your regular routine so you can make your way down the list.

Take notes on the people in your network

Take notes on the people in your networkCollecting cards and filing them is a start. But maintaining your contacts, new and old, requires updates. Add notes about their families, their jobs, their interests, and their needs. Unless you have a photographic memory, you won’t remember all of this information unless you write it down. Put these updates and notes on the back of their business cards or input them into your contact database.

Find ways to reciprocate

Always remember that successful networking is a two-way street. Your ultimate goal is to cultivate mutually beneficial relationships. That means giving as well as receiving. Send a thank-you note, ask them about their family, email an article you think they might be interested in, and check in periodically to see how they’re doing. By nurturing the relationship through your job search and beyond, you’ll establish a strong network of people you can count on for ideas, advice, feedback, and support.

Sanjeev Nanda tips on How To Be A Confident Speaker

9 Jun

A confident speaker is someone who, first and foremost, feels confident in his own mind and heart about his ability to deliver a good speech or presentation. Being confident is not something anyone can give you nor you can buy from somewhere. Confidence is built, step-by-step, from our previous successful experiences, and can be boosted and improved as time passes. How do you build and improve it? By never wasting any chance to practice. If you mess up or make mistakes during your initial attempts, learn from these mistakes and move on. Remember, even the most renown speaker has started as a beginner. So, practice! Practice by yourself in front of a mirror or your own video camera at first. Soon enough, you can practice in front of a small, trusted audience. You can even practice in front of your pet, in the absence of a trusted human audience. Anyone can become a good speaker provided he agrees to work on it. This article provides a few pointers on how to achieve this goal.

Public Speaking

Being a Confident Speaker is easy

STEP 1 : Think of a good idea or subject to make a speech or presentation on. If you are just making an informal speech or presentation with no subject restrictions, it would be helpful to choose a topic that you yourself are interested in. This way, it would be less difficult for you to talk about the subject, as opposed to something that you know very little about. Of course, it would also be better if the subject that you choose is engaging enough to a wide variety of people to begin with, so that it wouldn’t be very hard to capture their interest.

STEP 2 : Choose your audience. For the first few times that you are practicing being a good speaker, you might want to choose like-minded people who are likely to have the same orientation as you have regarding the subject of your talk. This could be a group of colleagues, acquaintances, members of your community, or other social groups that you deem appropriate. As you gain more experience and confidence, you would be able to gather knowledge and techniques on how to capture and engage even an audience who is just hearing about the subject of your talk for the first time.

STEP 3 : Research on your idea or topic. With any talk that you are giving, it is important that you know your subject. The general assumption of your audience is that you, as the subject matter expert, know about the topic more than they do, and that you are there to share knowledge and information that they do not know about yet. There is nothing more embarrassing than a speaker who does not do his homework, and who comes to a talk unprepared and with little knowledge about the topic. If you research and prepare adequately, that in itself will already boost your confidence level and lessen any apprehensions that you might have with giving the talk.

STEP 4 : Rehearse and prepare several versions of your presentation.

Sanjeev Nanda reherse speech

Reherse Before You Speak

Depending on the reception and response of your audience — which you will not know until the minute that you start your talk — you might want to rehearse different versions beforehand to tailor to your audience’s needs: one shorter, one more detailed, one for interested people, one for an audience who seem to be losing interest. This will ensure that you keep the audience engaged.

STEP 5 : Always make a paper copy of your slides or handout. This is so you can have a hard copy of something to refer to during your talk, and so you can distribute copies to your audience as well, if you wish. Even if you have a beautiful, stylized, and well-rehearsed PowerPoint presentation, you never know what you will find when you get to your speaking place. A very distracted IT guy who cannot get the presentation to display on screen right away, perhaps? It is always important to have a contingency plan in cases like these, so that you are not at their mercy. Encountering these situations and not having a back-up plan will not make you feel confident.

STEP 6 : Find ways to connect with your audience. Keep a pleasant, cheerful disposition all throughout the talk. Maintain eye contact with the audience members. These actions will also allow you to relax better, since by establishing a connection, you will be able to see your audience as humans — just like you are — who want you to do well in your talk, and not as high-and-mighty beings who would take a lot for you to impress.

STEP 7 : Engage the audience. Remember they are there because you have already done something right: perhaps, you wrote an intriguing outline of the talk, or you have interesting credentials or a fascinating biography, which has persuaded them enough to come to your talk. Either way, you definitely have something they are interested in since they took the time to come and hear you speak. Engage them by interjecting humor in your talk, and by inserting personal anecdotes. Doing these will keep the talk from being too rigid and formal, and will definitely keep your audience more interested. If you sense that the audience is already losing interest, shorten your talk and go with Q&A for the rest of the time. People are always more engaged when there is more dialogue between the speaker and themselves.

STEP  8 : If an audience member asks you a question that you don’t know the answer to, don’t panic. Take a moment to jot down the question with utmost consideration, ask for the name and contact details (including the e-mail address) of the person who asked, and tell them that you will send them that information no later than two business days. Of course, make sure that you follow-through with your commitment, even if you find the question “silly” or “stupid”.

STEP 9 : Show your audience how much you admire their intelligence, and how much you respect their opinions. No matter how difficult the audience can get, or even if there are some who might not agree with what you are saying, never become irritated with them. Remember that you are the speaker, so you need to maintain authority and keep yourself in check. Remain polite, calm, and courteous at all costs. If you address them properly and in a dignified manner, the difficult people who cause you troubles will end up standing out like a sore thumb in their rudeness, while you will look kind, patient and magnanimous. You will have plenty of time to indulge in those feelings and commiserate with your friends about it as soon as the talk is over, not before.

Sanjeev Nanda audience

Admire your audience and get applauded

STEP 10 : Always tell the audience, in the end, that they were a great audience. Thank them for their time. Each person in the audience likes to think it was him or her who made you say that. It makes their day.

STEP 11: Do not forget to smile. This is an important thing to remember, no matter how stressed you are during the time of your talk. People are inherently attracted by a smiling face, and will already create wonders for how your talk would go.

STEP 12 : If you do stumble with your words or mess up, just laugh it off and don’t stress over it to much. You may have made a mistake, but you likely noticed it more then your audience. Remember that mistakes are an integral part of the learning process, and will help hone you to become a better speaker in time.

Sanjeev Nanda on developing Self-Confidence

7 Jun

Developing self confidence is a learning process. Constant studying, improving your skills, building your knowledge and accepting yourself and others are the main characteristics of developing self confidence.

Self confidence is having faith in yourself and your ability to handle whatever situations are presented to you. You are blessed with freedom from doubt in yourself. When you need to perform a task or complete a project, you have no question in your mind that you will succeed. You are not afraid to look people in the eye or to express your thoughts.

Self confidence is a feeling which is based on your faith and your experience. Even successful people can feel insecurity inside. But what separates them from many people is their approach toward their experiences, their mental attitude what knows exactly what to do and they see their “problems” as a new, wonderful gift which is begging for the solution.

In the following you will find some tips and techniques to boost your confidence. Use the exercises you like or you feel comfortable with.

Sanjeev Nanda on developing self-confidence

Encourage Yourself | Boost your morale


By whatever means necessary, you need to develop the habit of self-encouragement. As Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you are right.”


Lift up your chin, pull back your shoulder, stomach in, chest out and tell me that you are ready to climb the Mount Everest.


It has probably the strongest effect on people. When you take a walk or go for a meeting start with smiling at the first seconds. Just look at their face, their reaction to your warm, friendly smile. They will most likely respond back to you on the same way, with a big smile in return your friendliness.

Smile Like a baby - innocent and cute


Keep track of what you are doing, why you are doing it and what the results are. All self-improvement starts with self-awareness. Keeping a daily journal allows you to look back a day later or a week later with a certain degree of impartiality and evaluate what really happened, what could have been done differently. Over a period of time, you will clearly be able to see your own progress.


Always, always focus on what you are good at and try to be the best at it.


You have to take charge of your own mind. You have to develop a winner mentality, and to do this you have to root out the negativity that is holding you back and replace it with a positive influence. This is where positive thinking comes in. Think about what you’ve done right and what you like about yourself. Think about the goals that you are in the process of accomplishing.

Sanjeev Nanda on developing self-confidence

Never feel inferior


Nothing builds self confidence like extending a hand to someone in need. By thinking of the needs of others, you will stop dwelling on your flaws.

The amount of success you achieve in life has a lot to do with how much self confidence you have. Making the decision to work at improving your self confidence could be the most important decision you ever make.

Sanjeev Nanda tips on Photography

4 Jun

Photo Tips & Tricks:

Ordinary = Extraordinary

“Under construction” is usually code for “will not photograph well because of all the heavy machinery and equipment clutter”. But even when you think extra clutter will make a place less photogenic, it’s usually a matter of reorienting your vision to figure out how to use what’s actually there in front of you. The mesh behind the two figures was put up specifically to keep dust and debris away from visitors, but at the same it catches late afternoon light coming in through the windows perfectly. Even when things look unappealing to the naked eye, a slight change in composition and exposure can take something ordinary and turn it in to something extraordinary. Similarly, a discarded orange peel on a bus seat – how dull?
Sanjeev Nanda photography tips

Even orange peel can look beautiful

Extraordinary photography - Sanjeev Nanda

Turning ordinary to extraordinary

Reflect on reflections

I’m always thankful for any architect anywhere in the world that’s incorporated glass into a building. It immediately gives you twice the visuals to play with – 1) the real, and 2) the reflections. Look for how you can play tricks on the viewers’ eyes with those reflections. Look for patterns that blend reality and the artificial across the surface of the building. I’d say 90% of the time you can confuse the viewer – give them a moment where they’re not exactly sure what they’re looking at – your image is successful.
Sanjeev nanda photography tips

Superb Class reflections give depth

Sanjeev Nanda photography tips

Most beautiful pictures are work of imagination

Context can be overrated

A little decontextualization never hurt anyone. I think there’s often a tendency to want to put too much information into a photograph, to give it too much context. You have a chance to create an image that is more captivating, that viewers often have to sit with a little longer when you leave contextual elements out. It distills your images into more of a mood than a literal translation of a time and place – and that’s a good thing.
Sanjeev Nanda photography tips

Sometimes a photograph without a subject is more engaging

Sanjeev nanda photography tips

Beauty lies in the imagination

Anywhere but eye level

It usually never hurts to change your point of view. Look all the way up. Look all the way down. Crouch. Stand on something. Shoot from anywhere but your natural eye level, and more times than not you’ll create something more dynamic than pedestrian.
Sanjeev Nanda photography tips

Eye for detail is all you need

Sanjeev Nanda photography tips

Sometimes the most intriguing pictures are the most simple ones

It usually gives your images a sense of mystery if you expose highlights as mid-tones and mid-tones as shadows. Or vice versa, shadows as mid-tones, and mid-tones as highlights.
Sanjeev Nanda photography tips

Its your picture take it the way you want

Sanjeev Nanda photography tips

Even darkness can be beautiful

Patience and composition

If you see the outline of a photograph you want – sit and wait until all the compositional elements fall into place. Even if that takes an hour.
Sanjeev Nanda photography tips

Patience is virtue

Sanjeev Nanda photography tips

It's all about knowing what you want from your photograph

No photographer is as good as the simplest camera – Edward Steichen
All these photographs attached are copyright of Jeff Hutchens. I’m his biggest fan.

Sanjeev Nanda tips on How to Buy Stocks

3 Jun

Buying stock in a company is relatively easy once you’ve researched the stocks you’re interested in and have a broker or brokerage account to handle your purchase. Choose your stocks with care and research before you buy anything, but keep in mind that the stock market could crash at any time for numerous reasons.

Step 1 :

Educate yourself fully about stocks before purchasing them. You can find information about stocks and brokers on the Internet.

Sanjeev Nanda on how to buy stocks

Stock Exchange

Step 2 :

Determine what you want in a broker or brokerage account. Do you want to meet with someone face-to-face? Will you want to be able to reach someone by phone? Do you require Internet access? Is price your only consideration? Do you want to buy and sell only stocks, or would you also like to buy and sell mutual funds, bonds or foreign stocks?

Step 3 :

Choose a broker or brokerage firm to purchase the stocks on your behalf based on your needs. Need a lot of advice? Start with a full-service brokerage. The least expensive brokers may not offer advice. Fairly confident and want low prices? Try an online brokerage.

Sanjeev Nanda - Brokerage Firm

Brokerage Firm

Step 4 :

Contact a broker or firm and request an application. Many firms offer online applications, although most require that you send a check or wire money to actually open the account.

Step 5 :

Deliver a check in person if possible to speed up the process.

Step 6 :

Begin buying and selling stocks once your account is open.

Sanjeev Nanda on how to buy stocks

Buy & Sell stocks

Step 7 :

Review statements you receive and reevaluate your portfolio’s performance. Are you moving toward your investment goals?

Sanjeev Nanda Tip : It pays to be an investor more than a trader.

Sanjeev Nanda tips on How To Tell if a Girl Likes You

2 Jun

How can you tell if a girl likes you or is interested? You noticed her when you were standing and talking with a friend. You think she noticed you, but maybe it was your imagination or just wishful thinking. She looked at you at about the same time you saw her. Your eyes met for just a few seconds, and then you looked away. When you looked back up, she was talking with some other people. Was she watching you as you mingled? Or were you making that up? How can you tell if a girl likes you? Why are girls so hard to understand?

Here are five signs that she is interested in you too. If any of the following happens, she is probably trying to get close enough to ask you out:

1. She tells someone

Is she interested? She likes you if she tells a mutual friend that she wants to know more about you, or she asks other people who you are and where you’re from. She is trying to act like she’s “just asking” but his questions indicate more than a casual interest. And when she tells someone that she finds you attractive, she probably knows that it will get back to you. She’s hoping it does.

2. The look

She gives you a look that betrays her calm exterior. Even though she is across the room, “that look” she has says it all. It is sweeping, from your head to your toes, and then her eyes linger on yours. You think you notice the beginning of a tentative smile.

The Look - Sanjeev nanda blog

The "I'm interested" Look

3. The conversation

Does she like you?  When she manages to get close enough to you, to ask you questions, she is interested. She appears to be listening and responds to what you say. She’s moving in to the ultimate question, which is: “Are you seeing anyone.” She would only ask this question if she wanted to date you, and she hopes the answer is “No.” If she doesn’t ask you the question of whether or not you are attached, she may ask someone whom you both know.

Deep conversations - Sanjeev Nanda blog

Deep unexpected conversations

4. She appears unexpectedly

She likes you a lot if she shows up out of nowhere. She can only do that if she has been asking people about your schedule, or she has been paying attention to where you are going and at what time. Her face may turn red when she sees you. A sudden, “Oh, hi,” is her way of saying, “I don’t want to seem obvious, but I am interested in you.” If you feel the same way, do not act shy. Stop and talk to her.

Sanjeev Nanda Flirt

Talk to her

5. EVERYONE likes you

Is she interested?  When you are well liked and a happy person, why wouldn’t she like you?  Of course she does. If you don’t have a great life, however, now is your time to start working on one.  Take a look at your career possibilities, body image, future, plans, and resources. You may be naturally talented at something, but it won’t matter unless you work on your strengths. Misused or unused talents fade away. School and training do not.

Sanjeev Nanda tips on Signs of Attraction

27 May

In today’s society, beauty, physical attraction, and sexuality are all commonly misunderstood as some transcendent inevitable fact; falsely interlocking the three makes it seem doubly true that in order to initiate attraction between a man and a woman, both sexes should be beautiful to be sexual.  That of course is not true at all. The definitions of beautiful, attraction, and sexual constantly change to serve the social order, and the connection between the three ideas is a recent invention.

In a survey conducted by an “evolutionary psychologist,” from 10,000 individuals who were interviewed, it was found out that men have high-regards to physical attraction in their budding sexual mates, while women attach importance to prominence, goals, and monetary sources.

No wonder why most cases of attraction are all based on sexuality and physical attributes. This is because men and women would rather have their significant others physically and sexually capable of giving them their necessities.

How can the individual identify the clear signs of attraction?

There are many probable actions that might suggest attraction. However, the real signs include but not limited to the following:

1. Visual contact

This is when both a man and a woman gazed upon each other and instantly prolonged the moment as they look at each other longer than the typical glance.

Eye Contact - 1st step of attraction

Both are completely immersed on each other’s anecdote, and every word will impress them both. All eyes are glued to each other that send a message that they are drawn to each other.

2. Preen

Preening means to adorn oneself carefully or to groom oneself with particular attention to details. Hence, attraction sets in when both would try to instantly make a quick fix and conquer each other’s space.

3. Flirting

Flirting - 3rd Stage of Attraction

Teasing could have been the more appropriate term for it. This is when both sexes converse in a relaxed manner, with bodily actions associated to their thoughts and feelings, where, most often than not, sexual tensions and arousal are the primary upshots.

4. Physical contact

This is when a woman leans to wards the man and places a modest hand on his hand or arm. In this way, the woman is trying to tell the other person that she is attracted to him and that she is open to possibilities that involve the concerned person.

All of these things are boiled down to the fact that the asymmetry of the correlation among beauty, attraction, and sexuality that tells both men and women lies on how they both perceive each other’s physical attributes. This is inevitable because the lack of it will definitely keep them sexually estranged.

Attraction is generally focused on imagery that is exclusively on the physical attributes of both men and women, where the society has created a very important role. This goes to show that the signs of attraction indicate the clear identification of desirability.

Given all that, both men and women should make the choice, by and large, to take each other as human beings first and not just mere sexual objects.

It should be well noted that these signs of attraction may be well confined on the premise that both men and women send out these signs as a ticket to conquer each other’s space so as to start the “getting-to-know-each-other” stage.

Sanjeev Nanda tips to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

26 May

Easy Ways to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks

1. Beware scale obsession – weight should come off slowly – a half pound to one pound a week – as a result of cutting junk calories while fueling your body properly for the next workout and recovery. Think of your body as a high performance engine – raise the octane of the fuel you use and stop filling when the tank is full.

2. To lose weight in 2 weeks, you have to cut down on the junk foods (not completely), stop eating out and drink less sugary drinks, including the diet kinds.

3. Eat more fresh wholesome foods and whole grain products. It’s simply the best and loaded with the essential fiber to keep you satisfied longer. The simple rule is, try to get in 2 serves of fruits and 5 serves of veggies a day.

4. Make it a point each day to include a good habit like drinking one less can of coke or eating one more serve of fruit.

5. Eat 6 healthy mini meals a day to keep your stomach satisfied. The key here is eat in controlled portions and never go for that second serve or a super size meal. Stick to the 1 plate rule to keep your calorie intake at bay.

6. No matter what you’ve eaten, take note of how your body feels after a meal, rather than how you think you should feel. If you’re still hungry later in the day, treat yourself to a piece of sweet in season fruit rather than a sugar filled snack or dessert. Then go ahead and pat yourself on the back.

7. Food is not the enemy. Food powers your brain and your muscles; without it, you’ll lose your energy soon. If you missed a midday meal, eat a piece of fresh fruit or a handful of whole wheat crackers before you head for the gym.

9. It’s vital to stop buying junk if you want to stop eating junk! Be strong and avoid purchasing extra snacks. You’ll notice that both your grocery bill and snacking habits will start decreasing. If the foods aren’t there, you can’t eat them!

10. Your favorite exercise – only better – daily walker? Seasoned swimmer? You get kudos for your commitment, but you maybe short changing yourself. As you become more accustomed to your favorite activity, you burn fewer calories.  As your fitness improves, increase the intensity levels to challenge your body (but train with in your limits). Look at jogging 1km followed by another km of walking, rinse and repeat. It’s a great way to jolt the body’s metabolism.

Alternatively, look at a combination of interval training and strength training like Turbulence Training to get the maximum output from your body – And when combined with good nutrition, it is one of the easy ways to lose weight with.

Ladies, strength training is good for you too – you will not bulk up and with muscles, you will burn more calories.

11. Use your lunch break wisely – spend half your lunch break walking. Taking a midday walk or a run can boost your energy, and reduce stress. Best yet, it gives you more time after work with family or friends.

Sanjeev Nanda tips on How To Build an Attractive Mascular Body

26 May

Most people know that they need to lift weight to build muscles. However many just want to have nice muscle tone and an attractive but not too muscular body as they do not want big muscles. So they just lift light weights with high repetitions. Well, it is not going to work. To have nice muscle tone, you will have to build some muscles right? So you will have to lift heavy to force your muscles to grow. Once you are satisfied with the size of your muscles, you will then need to cut your body fats for your muscles to show up well and that means nice muscle tone.

You need to have a solid commitment and knowledge to get nice muscle tone and build an attractive muscular body. Here are some muscle building tips. Before you commence weight training, remember to warm up and as well as doing some stretching exercises.

Train Muscle With Free Weights

Machines will have its uses, but for a start, concentrate on free weights. That means work almost exclusively with barbells and dumb bells. Free weights recruit many stabilizing muscles for balance and control. That means you will work a lot more muscle parts other than the intended ones. That will give rise to little bumps, striations and definitions all over your body instead of one huge lump of muscle on your intended muscle. Because of the extra stimulant created, your muscles grow faster too. Why else do you think all professional body builders almost exclusively use free weights?

Free Weight training

Train With Compound Exercises

Incorporate as many compound exercises as possible to your routines. Compound exercises are exercises that involve 2 or more joint movements. Because they utilize more joints, which means greater muscle mass are involved. Greater muscle mass means heavier weights. Heavier weights mean encouragement of greater muscle growth. More muscle growth means more tone to your muscles.

Squats for good muscle tone

Some excellent compound exercises are the Squat, Deadlift, Chin ups, Dips, Bench press, Barbell Press, Lunges, Bent-Over Barbell Row…etc.

Train Intensively But Do Not Over train

You must train intensively for your muscle to grow. Try to do more reps or add more weight than the previous session or else your muscles will think (actually muscles don’t think, they adapt), “Ah… we’ve done that. Nothing new, so no need to grow bigger and stronger.” That being the case, you will wreck your chances of attaining an attractive muscular body.

Because of this, it is important that every time you train hard, you give your body time to recover as it has suffered strains and actually sustained many small scarring. Contrary to popular belief, your muscles grow when you rest, especially when you sleep and not in the gym. So sleep at least 8 hours a day. Also, do not train everyday or work the same muscle group more than once or twice a week. If your training was vigorous enough, do no more than an hour per session.

Try not to do cardio work on the same day as your weight lifting work. In fact, during the muscle building phase, you should do less cardio work as aerobic exercises burn muscles. You can increase your cardio work at cutting body fat phase, so as to lose body fat in order for your muscle tone to show up nicely.

Technique And Form

This is the most neglected fundamental of bodybuilding. Everywhere, everyday, you will see people using wrong forms and techniques. This not only compromises your growth, it will also make you susceptible to injuries… sometimes even permanently putting you out of the gym.

Wrong form occurs usually when people try to lift weights that are too heavy, whether out of vanity or ignorance. As a guide, always lift with strict focus on the muscle you intend to build for that exercise. Feel it contract and extend. Lift the weights deliberately and slowly. Never ever swing your weights up especially when doing bicep curls or the military press.

To Build Muscles Fast You Must Perform Lower Body Exercises!

This is what most people don’t realize. Your lower body makes up 60-70% of your musculature. If you don’t train them, not only will you look spider-legged, your entire body will not grow as quickly and as large. Don’t think that you can hide those skinny limbs in pants! Most people do not train their legs because squats, dead lifts and lunges can be very grueling exercises. But it is precisely because of such intensity that you will produce more growth hormones. when you sleep and overall muscular development is stimulated. Your body shape will also be more balanced and therefore more attractive.

Leg Curls to build strong lower body